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Web Maintenance

“The only constant in the world is Change. Don’t leave your web site behind”

 In day to today’s highly competitive world, many business decisions depend mainly on the internet and the insight one gets from visiting a possible vendor’s web site. Previously uploaded images, improper or out-dated matters or contact information, is expected to turn new vendor away.

Many business owners know about this, even though they are unable to find time to update their business web sites. With a Website Maintenance package from Verz, you can send in your changes and have things sorted out quickly and professionally, allowing you to concentrate on your core business. 

How can I Net Web Solution help you with Web Maintenance? 
                                                          We understand the technical hitches of finding good technical support for Web Maintenance, which is why we are here to offer our capability. We have various Web Maintenance Packages to cater to various requirements.
Here is a list of facilities which we provide under Web Maintenance:
      • Adding / Editing of Text
      • Adding of New Pages (unchanged layout)
      • Adding / Deleting / Fixing links
      • Adding / Deleting / Changing Meta Tags
      • Updating Contact Information, including Google Map
      • Creating of XML sitemap for your site
      • Submission of web site to Search Engine
      • Generating & Embedding Google Analytics
      • Adding / Deleting email accounts
      • Site recovery for web site hacking / malware scripts
      • Full site backup after major contents are added in additional
      • Control Panel, Admin password modification for security improvement